The Journey of Sittingsuits


In today's fast-paced world, it's hard to come up with a product that genuinely solves a problem while being sustainable and innovative. Sittingsuits, the brainchild ofRebecca Johansen and Vibe Johansson, is one such product that has made a significant impact in various industries by rethinking the way people experience the outdoors.

The Concept

Rebecca Johansen, CEO of Sittingsuits ApS and owner of Axelhus & Axelbar in Elsinore, Denmark, has been an experienced restaurateur for over 16 years. With 450 outdoor seatings combined, she faced the challenge of keeping her guests warm and comfortable in all types of weather. While traditional solutions like outdoor heating and blankets offered some respite, they lacked the sustainability and effectiveness that Rebecca desired.

It was during a skiing trip to France when Rebecca found the inspiration for her innovative idea. She observed how people were willing to spend hours outdoors in cold temperatures, as long as they felt cozy and warm. "If I can keep the guests at my own restaurants warm for longer, then I can increase my turnover and get the full potential out of my outdoor areas, even in the colder seasons, and on windy summer nights," she thought.

The Birth of Sittingsuits

With a clear vision in mind, Rebecca joined forces with designer Vibe Johansson to create a unique, sustainable, and comfortable solution. After testing and refining the design, the duo launched Sittingsuits in Rebecca's own restaurants in 2019.

"Sittingsuits were designed to be a more sustainable alternative to expensive outdoor heating," says Rebecca. "Not only for my own business, but something that would solve the problem across the entire industry."

The Impact

Since their inception, Sittingsuits have taken the market by storm. With their innovative design, they provide a comfortable and warm outer layer for guests in various settings, from restaurants and hotels, to cruise lines and beyond. The eco-friendly approach has also resonated with customers, reducing the need for disposable blankets and outdoor heating devices that contribute to pollution.

In an industry where customer satisfaction is paramount, Sittingsuits have been a game-changer. "Our main priority is to make outdoor experiences enjoyable for everyone," says Rebecca. "We work tirelessly to ensure that our products exceed expectations."

The Future of Sittingsuits

With their dedication to sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Rebecca and Vibe have big plans for the future of Sittingsuits. As the brand continues to grow, they aim to forge strategic partnerships, expand their reach, and continue innovating to create products that revolutionize the way people experience the outdoors.

Rebecca's journey with Sittingsuits is an inspiring example of how a simple idea, born out of personal experience, can lead to an innovative solution that benefits not just one industry but the entire world. As she puts it, "It's incredibly rewarding to see how our vision has turned into a product that genuinely makes a difference in people's lives and contributes to a more sustainable future."

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Based on interview with Rebecca Garde Johansen in April 2023

"Eating alfresco is always fun. But not always practical. Which is why i want one of these scandinavian Sittingsuits for the colder months. This is what happens when a duffel coat mates with a duvet. The apotheosis of comfort."

The Nordic lifestyle embraces simplicity, functionality, and a deep connection to nature. This way of life reflects a unique balance between work, leisure, and time spent outdoors, which leads to a healthier and happier existence.


By incorporating the Nordic lifestyle into your daily routine, you can create a more mindful, sustainable, and stylish way of living. In this article, we'll delve into the art of Nordic living, exploring how to embrace the outdoors with Sittingsuits, and discovering the principles that make this lifestyle so appealing.

In today's fast-paced world, it's hard to come up with a product that genuinely solves a problem while being sustainable and innovative. Sittingsuits, the brainchild of Rebecca Johansen and Vibe Johansson, is one such product that has made a significant impact in various industries by rethinking the way people experience the outdoors.

The Concept

Rebecca Johansen, CEO of Sittingsuits ApS and owner of Axelhus & Axelbar in Elsinore, Denmark, has been an experienced restaurateur for over 16 years. With 450 outdoor seatings combined, she faced the challenge of keeping her guests warm and comfortable in all types of weather. While traditional solutions like outdoor heating and blankets offered some respite, they lacked the sustainability and effectiveness that Rebecca desired.

Denmark is a country known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful landscapes. It offers a wide range of unique hotel experiences that cater to travelers seeking something more than just a place to rest their heads. In this guide, we will take you on a journey through some of the most exceptional hotels in Denmark, all of which offer the comfort and style of Sittingsuits for their guests. These luxurious wearable blankets ensure a cozy and memorable stay while you explore the wonders of Denmark.


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